Announcing: 2018 AIGA SD Idea Fund

Do you have an idea to make our community better through design? AIGA SD is now accepting applications for a fund to help you get your idea out of your head and into reality.

What is the application deadline?

Midnight, April 15, 2018

What is the Idea Fund?

AIGA SD’s mission is: Make our community better by making designers better. The Idea Fund is a way to do that by helping fund designer-initiated projects that impact the community. From now until April 15th, AIGA South Dakota is accepting proposals for short-term projects or learning opportunities that will benefit the local community. The AIGA board will review the proposals and choose 1-3 projects to fund this year. Fund recipients will receive up to $1000 to help make their ideas happen. The fund is generated by this year’s AIGA membership dues.

What kinds of ideas will be funded?

This is completely up to you. Find a problem in your community and solve it. Start an after-school skateboard painting workshop. Create an app that helps citizens give feedback to the city. Design a new signage system for the bike trail. There is no shortage of problems to solve and ideas to solve them. Be creative.

The requirements are:

  • The idea must benefit the local community.
  • It must be completed within 6 months.
  • Recipient must present the project at Sioux Falls Design Week in October 2018
  • Recipient must provide a written blog post to recap the project and it’s impact.

Who can apply?

These funds will only be awarded to AIGA members living in South Dakota. The application is open to members at any stage in their career. Not a member? Become a member, today.

How are projects chosen?

The AIGA SD board will review all proposals and announce the Idea Fund recipients on May 1, 2018.



Application period has ended.

Published March 17, 2018